Wellbeing and Enrichment Week
It was wonderful to welcome our students back to school with a week of exciting and engaging activity focussing on our five strands of Enrichment. Students took part in lessons based on Values; establishing the qualities of a Denbigh Learner. These are the characteristics that we believe are required to be successful in all walks of life.
They also enjoyed lessons in Creativity, Community and Diversity. These lessons saw students exploring their own identities and celebrating all that is good about themselves. Students discovered the way in which they add value to the communities we are all a part of.
An important part of this week was a strong focus on Wellbeing. Students were taught how to look after themselves and each other, something that we all hold true here at Denbigh. High achievement for all is our shared responsibility.
Mrs Garricques, Head of Year 7:
Year 7 thoroughly enjoyed the Wellbeing week. It allowed their transition to be extended so that they spent quality time with their form tutor and other year 7 staff which eased familiarity when starting a new school. They really enjoyed the chance to discuss Values, Diversity, Community and Creativity and issues related to lockdown and it gave them shared experiences for them to build upon for their five year Denbigh Journey. They particularly liked the work on Community and Creativity as it gave them a chance to design future plans and ideas. Forms 78 , 76, 73 and 71 became more chatty as the week progressed and form 72, 74,75 and 77 received great reports of collaboration from the Year 7 staff. They developed their team work skills and seemed to bond as a form team which is significant in their Denbigh Journey.